While French Bulldogs are known for their love of food, that does not mean everything is good and safe. With their love to explore and curiosity, especially when still young, it is very essential you save them from destructive foods.
Though Frenchies may love a treat once in a while, some foods are just deadly for this breed. While many of these materials are dangerous and even fatal if ingested in large amounts or over long periods, their toxic nature is no secret: Grapes (among other foods), chocolate, onions, some nuts.
Due to the fact that they too often experience delicate tummies, you need to stay clear of high-fat or otherwise probably harmful foods. Monitoring what they eat is important, if you want to keep your French Bulldog as healthy and balanced a truly happy​.
9 most dangerous food for French Bulldogs
There are some foods that can pose serious dangers to French Bulldogs Their digestive systems are different and certain ingredients cannot be broken down which is why even a small volume of poisonous food can result in severe conditions. We are going to be exploring some of the most perilous comestibles for French Bulldogs that all owners should avoid avoiding.
1. Chocolate
Chocolate is one of the common poisons for a dog, including French Bulldogs. Theobromine and caffeine; those are the culprits in chocolate. The substances they consume, much as humans the same way cannot metabolize and digest related substances.
Chocolate theobromine in dark and baking chocolate These are especially dangerous because they contain higher concentrations of theobromine. Consuming chocolate could lead to vomiting, diarrhea, high heart rate and tremors or even seizures in extreme cases.
2. Grapes and Raisins
Even in small amounts, grapes and raisins can be toxic, causing kidney failure. The exact cause of the substance in grapefruit is not yet known, but it is known that when consumed, it can cause symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, and loss of appetite.
Without immediate treatment kidney failure can occur, leading to death.
3. Xylitol (Artificial Sweetener)
An artificial sweetener in sugar-free gums, candies and backed goods also can wreak havoc on a dog’s system. If consumed, insulin is rapidly injected and causes an acute decrease in glucose level.
Symptoms are weakness, vomiting, incoordination and seizures. Larger quantities may also cause liver failure and death from xylitol.
4. Onions and Garlic
Both onions and garlic contain compounds called thiosulfates, which can destroy red blood cells in French Bulldogs, causing anemia. Whether raw, cooked or powdered, these ingredients can cause weakness, vomiting and shortness of breath.
Garlic is more powerful than onion, but both should be strictly avoided in any form.
5. Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs and can cause symptoms such as shaking, vomiting, hyperthermia (increased body temperature), and seizures. Even a small amount can cause serious health problems.
Although the toxin content of macadamia nuts is still unknown, they are definitely dangerous for French Bulldogs.
6. Avocado
This toxin, called persin, is located in the skin and pit of avocados as well as its leaves. In the worst case of avocados, it can be lethal to dogs but even a perfect avocado half is harmful as they may lead to digestive upset in any dog leading up vomiting and diarrhea.
7. Cooked Bones
Dogs may love bones, but world of consuming them can very easily spiral out of control and lead to problems in the lips, esophagus or stomach. The splinters can cause choking, perforation of the intestines and even blockages needing surgery.
8. Alcohol
Alcohol is very dangerous for dogs and even a tiny bit can be harmful. Bottles of syrups, raw bread dough that contains alcohol or other similar products should not be within the reach to your pets.
Severe signs of alcohol poisoning are confusion, throwing up can the lungs and total respiratory inability because related to difficulty associated with breathing in situations where coma or dying.
9. Fatty Foods
Obesity and pancreatitis are health conditions of concern for French Bulldogs, therefore this kind of food can only make them worse. Consumption of a high-fat meal can cause vomiting, diarrhea and even life-threatening pancreatitis.
Common Household Items Dangerous for Frenchies

You may be concerned with what food to avoid for your French BulldogBut finer points, like keeping household items out of the space where they live and playevery daycan present a serious danger too. From my personal experience, Frenchies are naturally curious which can lead them into dangerous situations around the house.
And they are not intended to be dramatic and whatnot but from cleaning products to small objects below will provide you with a list of common items that might harm your Frenchie.
Cleaning Products
Bleach, ammonia and other household chemicals can cause pain for a dog that tries to lick them while others may create fumes (e.g rinse aid tablets) which could inflame your dogs skin or nose. Or even the left over from you mopping or wiping surfaces and your Frenchie licks it.
Whenever possible, stick to pet-safe cleaners and store everything away from your little rascal.
This may be true, but it is easy to forget how easy it is to administer our medications to our dogs. Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin, or vitamins are dangerous, and even prescription drugs can be dangerous if used in small amounts. Store your medications on top of cabinets or in built-in drawers.
Essential Oils
While many of us like to use essential oils in our diffusers, some oils like tea tree and eucalyptus are harmful to French Bulldogs. Their small respiratory systems are particularly sensitive to inhaling these oils, and ingestion can cause more serious problems. If you use essential oils at home, keep them out of reach and use in well-ventilated containers.
Certain Houseplants
Many popular house plants are harmful to dogs. Frenchies are small, and even just chewing on the leaves or stems of lilies, aloe vera, or pathos plants can cause vomiting or worse. Keep plants off the floor or out of their reach and do some research before bringing new plants into your home.
Small Objects and Batteries
Batteries are extremely dangerous if chewed or swallowed by a French Bulldog, as they can cause burns or chemical poisoning. But it’s not just batteries, small items like buttons, paper clips and even children’s toys can pose a choking or occlusion hazard if swallowed. Be sure to tidy up regularly and put small objects out of reach of paws.
Fabric Softener Sheets
They may appear innocent, but fabric softener sheets are full of nasty chemicals that could cause tummy ache if chewed up. I have heard tales of dogs getting hold in laundry baskets and perhaps chewing these so be careful with disposing them.
Keeping a watchful eye and being proactive to ensure your own home is dog-proofed will help keep these common household items away from your French Bulldog. Contacting your vet immediately when in doubt of anything your Frenchie got into is always the best solution.
How to keep your Frenchie safe from toxic Foods?
Dangerous French Bulldog Ingredients You Need to Know to Keep Your Frenchie Safe from Common Food Risks Naming Food People Bad Tips for Keeping Your French Bulldog Away from Toxic Plants, Cleaning Products, and Other Household Items
Remember to keep all toxic substances away from your pet and never leave him unattended when exploring new areas. Always read ingredient labels for hidden dangers like xylitol (commonly found in sugar-free products) and make sure your home is free of choking hazards. If you are ever unsure, be sure to consult your veterinarian for guidance on maintaining a safe environment for your French Bulldog.